Are you sure you want to cancel your registration?
Cancelling your registration will remove your access to the event. If you proceed, you will no longer be able to participate or access event-related materials.
Are you sure you want to delete account?
Deleting your account will remove your access to the event.
Yes. Once the participation level is confirmed, Employers are
provided with a Booth Setup Link, which will walk them through the booth creation
process. When complete, all of the information will be uploaded to the virtual event
It is recommended to have one or two Recruiters available during the
entire event. Some Employers staggered staffing schedules, ie: one/two Recruiter(s) from
10:00am – 11:00am; one/two Recruiter(s) from 11:00am – 1:00pm, etc.
At the conclusion of the event, each Employer will be sent a
detailed Post Event Report including Total # of Booth Visits/Clicks, Content
Visits/Clicks, Job Openings Visits/Clicks (if included) and Public/Private Chat
Conversations (by request only).