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Cancelling your registration will remove your access to the event. If you proceed, you will no longer be able to participate or access event-related materials.
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Affini Pay
Hundreds of career opportunities available at this Virtual Event!
Over 20 companies will be hring! Don’t miss out, upload your resume and register today!
For Job Seekers in New York
Discover and connect with companies committed to diversity!
The Virtual Career Fair easily connects you – from wherever you are – with employers seeking to hire diverse candidates. It is designed to bring employers and job seekers together virtually, for jobs that can be done remote or on-site.
What can I do at the Virtual Career Fair?
View and apply to fresh and exciting jobs from top leading companies. To help prepare for this event, find out which companies will be participating, register for the event and you will receive job alerts with the positions available.
Learn and interact with organizations about their open jobs, their company culture, and why they value diversity in the workplace.
Chat live with employers/recruiters and get interviewed through chat and audio conference.
Why Participate • Candidate Experience • How It Works
Complete your registration and upload your resume. Interested Employers will be sending interview invites prior to the event.
Get the chance to source hundreds of jobs, apply in real-time, and put your resume in front of key decision-makers.
Recruiters will schedule job interviews on the event day and conduct them through audio and video.
Recruiters: Match Great Local Talent with your Jobs!
Attract a higher volume of qualified female professionals, including the often elusive passive candidates with great experience in multiple industries.
Your brand and corporate culture is shared with potential candidates in New York, representing a significant pool of hundreds of qualified professionals.
We encourage candidates to register early. Employers will have access the candidate profile/resume database prior to the fair and may schedule chat (text, audio or video) interviews in advance.
Does the employer need to create a ‘booth’ or ‘virtual site’?
The vFairs Platform has created an automated process to create and populate each Exhibitor’s Booth. Once participation is confirmed, our team will send you a link to begin the process. Employers will be provided a range of booth templates to choose from. Once completed, company information, logos, job posting details, etc. will be uploaded.
What’s included with the virtual booth?
Each booth includes the following items:
Company profile
Contact information
Links to Company Website, Social Media Pages, Career Sites, etc.
Video Vignettes (if desired)
Upload docs and presentations
Will Employer upload all their job postings?
All job posting will be upload through the Booth Setup link. Additional assistance will be provided for those companies with more than 15 job postings.
Does someone need to “man” the site each day during the Virtual?
No – an employer can check on his/her postings or search the database anytime. Each employer will be assigned an admin account after registering to which they can login and check their account.
How long will the employer have access to the database search?
The site will close permanently exactly one week after the event.
Can the employer chat with job seekers during the virtual event?
Yes. Recruiters can chat with job seekers during the virtual event. Employer can do group chat as well as private chat with job seekers.
How does the customer access the Search Profiles Database?
Once participation has been confirmed, Exhibitors will be sent login details and will be able to:
View their booth and chat with job seekers
Click on the Search Profiles tab on the Tool Bar to search profiles by; highest level of education, field of expertise, current industry employed in, current job title, city candidate is seeking employment at.
What if I need assistance or a ‘walk through’ of the site?
Technical and Customer Service help is available by emailing